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Lucid Dreaming Facilitator, Neurographica® Instructor and Aestethic Coach
Lucid Dreaming Course, Workshops and Retreats
What is Lucid Dreaming. Facts and Hystory
The Benefits of Lucid Dreaming
The neuroscience of Lucid Dreaming
The stages of Sleap
Lucid Dreaming Techniques
Neurographica® Basic Course
Neurographica® - hystory of the method
10 basic principles of Neurographica
Neurographica® line and pattern
Algorithm for Removing Limitations
Algorithm for Removing Judgements
Algorithm for Revealing Intentions
Neurographica® Algoritms
Separate Course for each Algoritm or Algoritms package
- Algoritm NueruComposition
Algoritm Neoro Color
Algoritm NeuroSketching
Algoritm NeuroMandala
Algoritm NeuroSynthesis
Algoritm NeuroContact
Algoritm NeuroGoal
Algorithm NeuroTiming
Groups and One to One sessions.
Combination of Lucid Dreaming and Neurographica® Techniques and Coaching to boost the initiation and stability of Lucid Dreams.
Conscious Dream Work with the Dream Scenarios and Dream Heroes for Spiritual and Psychological growth
Work with Nightmares and other Sleep Disturbances
Shadow Work and Trauma Integration
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